The Most Deadly Weapon in My Technology Quiver
I was thinking the other day about all the ways technology has changed my internal business process. I love Copernic Desktop Search because it brings my emails and files to me in milliseconds. There is no doubt that my Basecamp extranet has been a tremendous success for us internally and in terms of client service and satisfaction.
But there really is only one hands down winner in measuring the impact of any particular technology on our business success. There are no rivals in this category. Digital dictation is the engine that drives our business. Digital dictation has been the difference maker and allows for all the other technology tools to contribute.
It also occurred to me that some people would be surprised that digital dictation could be such a difference maker. After all, there are already numerous ways to dictate assignments, tasks, and correspondence. Even with the old cassette tape method, a good businessperson can get an awful lot done using dictation.
The difference for our firm is that we use dictation to type correspondence, pleadings, and motions just like everyone else. That only comprises of about five to ten percent of all of our dictation. I use digital dictation to dictate emails, email responses, virtually all of the extranet content, instructions to all of our internal staff and virtual workers, blog posts, and instructions to clients. Digital dictation is far more superior to email when it comes to managing and instructing workers and clients. Why? Because I do not have to be sitting at my computer in order to make it all happen. Because I can talk ten to 20 times faster than I can type. Because much of the work I do is while I am standing in my kitchen getting my kids ready for school, or driving in my car. Because, you see, digital dictation is also portable. I carry my Philips 9350 portable dictation device everywhere. When a great thought hits me, I quickly dictate it.
I often tell people that I do the work of three to five attorneys. Digital dictation is what allows that to happen. I have lots of internal staff and virtual workers all executing the tasks and goals that flow through my various dictation systems. Most lawyers share one secretary with one other lawyer. The difference? Digital dictation.
What I am telling you is that there is a lot more behind the technology of digital dictation than a new and improved way to prepare work product and speed up workflow. Digital dictation offers a brand new business process that unplugs the businessperson from both their computer and the office, allowing them to get stuff done during otherwise non-business and non-productive times.
You have heard me say it before; our firm is humming when I am dictating. When I am dictating, the staff is receiving tasks and assignments. When I am dictating, goals are being defined and projects being executed. When I am dictating, I am acting as the Coach and Quarterback rather than the Linemen and Wide Receiver.
Have you considered the impact which digital dictation might have on your blogging?
I use digital dictation and it is wonderful. For me, it is great because I can dictate, save it to my computer, send it as an email attachment to my virtual paralegal and she sends it back ready for me to proof and change if needed.
And your search tool is actually a built in feature for Mac's OSX. It is called spotlight. Another reason to buy a Mac.
Posted by: Grant Griffiths | 2006.10.09 at 18:13
" far more superior to email..."
Far more superior? Did you dictate that blog post?
Posted by: segfault | 2008.11.08 at 22:08