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Finally, Dictation Software for Your Cell Phone

What is the one piece of technology that you carry around with you virtually everywhere?  Of course, the answer is the cell phone.  I have been clamoring for years for an integrated dictation devise for my cell phone.  For those of you who own a Blackberry, your prayers are now answered by developer Shape Services and their software application VR+

Not only does the software work seamlessly with your Blackberry, routing your dictation via email or the network to your staff, it is the first piece of Blackberry software to receive a 10 out of 10 rating review from

Vr80_01_2 “VR+ is extremely useful, but it doesn’t have that many features. So it is very easy to master and use...As soon as the program launches, you can press the Space key to start recording… you can configure VR+ to start recording automatically whenever it’s launched…you can pause and resume… You can send it through e-mail or upload it to a remote storage account…”

“…just dictate your message and send it through e-mail!... VR+ sends the AMR file to an intermediary server run by SHAPE Services that will convert the file into MP3…”

Vr80_20_4 “…Some people spend the entire day behind corporate firewalls that might prevent them  from receiving MP3 attachments. Others have download size restrictions. Others are not allowed to browse the Web and download files. The two options provided by VR+ should take care of most if not all of these situations.”

See the full review here.


Martin R.

Looks like Verdatum has the best solution.

Verdatum Launches Next-Generation BlackBerry Dictation Application for Lawyers

Verdatum for BlackBerry

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