Interview with Attorney Josh King Regarding The American Bar Association's Push to Regulate Social Networking and Online Advertising by Attorneys - Part 2

Part 2 of Attorney Josh King's interview concerning the American Bar Association's Push to Regulate Attorney Social Networking and Online Advertising. 

Announcer:  Welcome to GAL Radio brought to you by The Greatest American Lawyer blog, changing the way law is practiced through technology, innovation and creativity.  Turning the business of law on its head and shaking things up to the betterment of clients, lawyers, law firms and society.  Now, here is your host, Steve Quick.

Steve Quick:  Hi, and welcome to GAL Radio, my name is Steve Quick.  Today, we’ll continue our conversation with Josh King, Vice President for business development and general counsel for Avvo, Inc., which provides a number of online services to consumers.  Josh, last time we talked about how social networks have impacted how lawyers and clients interact with each other.  Where do lawyers or law firms’ websites fit into this conversation? 

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Interview with Attorney Josh King Regarding The American Bar Association's Push to Regulate Social Networking and Online Advertising by Attorneys - Part 1

The American Bar Association is considering the adoption of rules covering how its members interact with clients through the internet.  Listen to this two-part interview with Attorney Josh King, Vice President for Business Development and General Counsel of Avvo, Inc. as he explores the issue.

Announcer:  Welcome to GAL Radio brought to you by The Greatest American Lawyer blog, changing the way law is practiced through technology, innovation and creativity.  Turning the business of law on its head and shaking things up to the betterment of clients, lawyers, law firms and society.  Now, here is your host, Steve Quick.

Steve Quick:  Hi, and welcome to GAL Radio, my name is Steve Quick.  The American Bar Association is considering the adoption of rules covering how its members interact with clients through the internet.  Joining us today by phone from his office in Seattle is Josh King, Vice President for Business Development and general counsel of Avvo, Inc., which provides a number of online services to consumers.  Hi, Josh, welcome to the program.

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Success Round Table For Lawyers

Law school teaches you to think like an attorney.  They don't tell you that this is only half of the pie.  Lawyers don't learn about effective communication skills, business skills, how to establish rapport with clients and staff, or how to gain respect and agreement from juries.  The attorneys who are successful are those who either already were blessed with these skills or the ones who learned them through great time and expense.  Attorney and Life Coach Sonya Gallagher discusses The Success Round Table for Lawyers program she is offering through her company Time For Life on today's program.

ANNOUNCER:  Welcome to GAL Radio brought to you by the Greatest American Lawyer Blog changing the way law is practiced through technology, innovation and creativity. Turning the business of law on its head and shaking things up to the betterment of clients, lawyers, law firms, and society. Now here is your host, Damien Allen. 


DAMIEN: Good afternoon and welcome to GAL Radio. My name is Damien Allen, and joining me today on the phone is Sonia Gallagher, J.D. She is a life coach and she is the owner/proprietor of Time For Life LLC, Good afternoon, Sonia and welcome to the program. 

SONIA: Hi, Damien. I’m happy to be here. 


DAMIEN: It’s a pleasure to have you with us today. Today we are discussing the Success Round Table for Lawyers.  Sonia how did you get started in Time for Life, L.L.C? 


SONIA: Well it’s been quite a ride. I can tell you I practiced law for the past 6 years, and I actually owned my own law firm for the past two and during that time I always felt like I was missing something and that I should be working and helping people in a different manner. And during that time I was owning my own firm, I networked about 3 times a week, and it was basically through word of mouth and specific alliances that I got my clients, and just being out there and networking with so many attorneys on a constant basis I noted that there are specific issues we have to deal with on a regular basis and don’t really have the skills to help us. And those issues are client’s business development and client attraction and retention. 


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The Impact of iPads - Lawyers, Law Firms, And The Legal Profession

     The launch of the new iPad has been surrounded with a lot of hype and a lot of hope for a "Go To" tool that will revolutionize the way we look at tablet style computers, information delivery,  and peripheral devices. Now the the iPad has had a few months on the market, Attorney Joshua Barrett of Black Helterline LLP discusses how the iPad works for him in the real world and where he thinks the future lies for for the iPad and its use in the legal field.


ANNOUNCER:  Welcome to GAL Radio brought to you by the Greatest American Lawyer Blog changing the way law is practiced through technology, innovation and creativity. Turning the business of law on its head and shaking things up to the betterment of clients, lawyers, law firms, and society. Now here is your host, Damien Allen. 
DAMIEN: Good afternoon and welcome to GAL Radio. My name is Damien Allen, and joining me today on the phone is Josh Barrett of Black Helterline LLP, in Portland, Oregon. Welcome to the program.
JOSH:   Thanks. Hi, Damien.
DAMIEN: Today we are talking about the impact of IPads, lawyers, law firms and the legal profession. You recently wrote on that the IPads seemed to work well for you for a lunch meeting. How are you using the IPad, Josh? And what do you see is the great boon for this particular advice?
JOSH:   I think the great boon for me, anyway, and I think for a lot of lawyers is that it gives lawyers additional choices about how to deliver legal services. I mean it doesn’t need to be behind a desk and behind a computer all day. I know my clients need me in different places and at different times, and the IPad gives me choices about how and when I can deliver my services and in a way that works well for my clients.
DAMIEN: What type of things are you doing with the IPad in your profession?
JOSH:   The choices, you know, it’s interesting. It’s not a desk top or a laptop replacement and that’s not a failing. I use it a lot for managing all those little slices of time and all those little projects that come up in a business attorney’s practice.  While I like those days where you can sit down and crank out 8, 10, 12 hours on a big project, a lot of the practice is little, tiny, small answering questions, cranking out a quick agreement, responding to a letter, or a voicemail, and the IPad allows me to do that very easily and take advantage of those little slices of time throughout my day whether I’m off picking up the kids or between client meetings to get those little things done to move my clients’ businesses and their projects forward.

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Will The iPad Replace the Legal Pad

With the launch of Apple's iPad, many people wonder what the device will be best suited for and how one can apply it in their practice.  Attorney and Tech Writer Dennis Kennedy discusses the practicality and pitfalls of the iPad and the legal profession.


Announcer: Welcome to GAL radio, brought to you by the Greatest American Lawyer blog, changing the way law is practiced through technology, innovation, and creativity.  Turning the business of law on its head and shaking things up for the betterment of clients, lawyers, law firms and society. Now here’s your host, Damien Allen.

Damien Allen: Good afternoon and welcome to GAL radio my name is Damien Allen and joining you today on the phone is Dennis Kennedy. Dennis is a St. Louis based computer lawyer and legal technology writer. His website is is the home of his blog. He is also a monthly writer for the ABA journal. Good afternoon Dennis, , welcome to the program.

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The Survey Says: More People Want ONLINE Legal Services

Technology and the Internet are constantly reshaping the way we look at the landscape of business.  More and more people have turned to the web to do their banking, shopping, schooling, and entertainment.  A recent survey conducted by Epoq U.K. says more people want their legal services on the web as well.  Attorney Richard Granat discusses the findings of the survey with Damien Allen on today's program.Announcer: Welcome to GAL radio, brought to you by the Greatest American Lawyer blog, changing the way law is practiced through technology, innovation, and creativity.  Turning the business of law on its head and shaking things up for the betterment of clients, lawyers, law firms and society. Now here’s your host, Damien Allen.

Damien Allen:  Good morning and welcome to GAL Radio.  My name is Damien Allen, and joining me today on the phone once again is Attorney Richard S. Granat of and  He’s also the Chair of the Elawyering Task Force of the Law Practice Management Section of the American Bar Association  Today we’re discussing the Epoq Legal UK survey on online services.  Good Morning, Richard, and welcome to the program.

Richard S. Granat:  Good morning, Damien.  How are you this morning?

Damien Allen:  I’m doing fine.  Hope you’re doing well, sir.

Richard S. Granat: I am.

Damien Allen:   Epoq Legal UK recently conducted an online survey finding that the majority of those polled expected good law firms to offer their services online in the next couple of years.  Is this desire or need for online legal services on the rise, Richard?

Richard S. Granat:  There’s no question in my mind that it’s increasing, whether it’s the UK or the U.S.  In fact, if the survey would have been conducted in the US, where, I think, we actually have higher internet penetration, I think the numbers would actually be higher.  I also have another data point. We just recently got a survey from our Google representative showing data in the legal category which shows that over a two period the number of people searching legal sites has increased by 192%, almost 200%.  So, we see an increasing trend by the consumer looking for answers on the internet or legal services on the internet.

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Delivering Online Legal Services: How to Set Up and Operate a Virtual Law Practice

With the advent of the internet and growing new technologies, attorneys need not be bound to the structure of a "brick and mortar" business model.  Lawyers can now reach out to potential clients and resources through the use of extranets, cloud based software platforms, and network legal information as well as better communicate with current clientele over the internet.  Richard Granat joins Damien Allen to discuss "The Virtual Law Firm"

Announcer:  Welcome to GAL Radio brought to you by the Greatest American Lawyer blog, changing the way law is practiced through technology, innovation and creativity.  Turning the business of law on its head and shaking things up to the betterment of clients, lawyers, law firms and society.  Now here’s your host, Damien Allen.


Damien Allen:  Good afternoon and welcome to GAL Radio.  My name is Damien Allen and joining me today on the phone is Attorney Richard S. Granat of and  He’s also the Chair of the Elawyering Task Force of the Law Practice Management Section of the American Bar Association, and today we’re discussing delivering online legal services and how to set up an operative virtual law practice, and I know the American Bar Association is issuing guidelines as the major focus for them. Richard, welcome to the program. 


Attorney Richard S. Granat:  Hi, Damien.  Good afternoon. 


Damien Allen:  Pleasure to have you on the show today, sir.  Could you please tell us what is a virtual law practice?


Attorney Richard S. Granat: Well, a virtual law firm is really characterized by access to the law firm through what we call a client portal where clients can sign on with a username and password.  It’s not like a typical website that you see which just has the lawyers biographies and some legal information, but is really a platform under which the law firm can actually deliver legal services to the client and relate to the client online,  collaborate with the client, give legal advice online.  It’s essentially a vehicle for online legal services, and this is something new.  We sign onto our bank or we do our brokerage online, we do our travel online, but law firms are not really done that before.  They haven’t had what we call a secure client portal where the client could actually sign on to the law firm. 


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Grow Your Small Firm NOW

Carolyn Elefant of My and The Law Firm of Carolyn Elefant discusses the many ways solos and small firms can build their arsenal and business fast on today's GAL Radio.

Announcer: Welcome to GAL Radio, brought to you by the Greatest American Lawyer blog. Changing the way law is practiced through technology, innovation and creativity. Turning the business of law on its head and shaking things up to the betterment of clients, lawyers, law firms and society.

Damien Allen: Good morning and welcome to GAL Radio. My name is Damien Allen, and joining me today on the phone is Caroline Elefant of the Law Offices of Carolyn Elefant in Washington, DC, and the proprietor of Good morning and welcome to the program, Carolyn.

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The Greatest American Lawyer: Looking Back at the Beginning

Regurgitation Thursday: Damien Allen and Enrico Schaefer discuss the changes the past five years have brought in the practice of law by way of technology, the internet, and new business models.

That’s right, it’s Regurgitation Thursday where we look backwards, backup some history, and reflect on the past so we can better understand the present and future.

Announcer: Welcome to GAL Radio, brought to you by the Greatest American Lawyer blog, changing the way law is practiced through technology, innovation and creativity. Turning the business of law on its head and shaking things up to the betterment of clients, lawyers, law firms and society.

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How The Internet Has Changed The Practice Of Law

There is no doubt that the internet and new technologies have changed the way lawyers work, practice law, and market their abilities to the public. Enrico Schaefer discusses how the advent of the web has changed the practice of law and lawyers.

Announcer: Welcome to GAL Radio, brought to you by the Greatest American Lawyer blog, changing the way law is practiced through technology, innovation and creativity. Turning the business of law on its head and shaking things up to the betterment of clients, lawyers, law firms and society.

Damien Allen: Good morning and welcome to GAL Radio. My name is Damien Allen, and joining me today on the phone is Enrico Schaefer of Traverse Legal, PLC. Good morning and welcome to the program, Enrico.

Enrico Schaefer: Good morning, Damien.

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