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Power Tips for Lawyers and Law Firms using ChatGPT AI.

Surviving the AI Apocalypse. Preparing for the Future of AI-Enabled Legal Practice

The legal industry has historically been slow and resistant to new technology, fearing the impact efficiency and transparency might have on their billable hour business model.  Don’t get me wrong, technology has had a significant impact on the practice of law, starting with the adoption of typewriters by law firms in the 1930s and fax machines in the 1970s.  The premise of this book is simple.  The rise of AI in the legal industry is inevitable, and the impact it will have will be both historic and profound.  

As with other technology innovations, AI has the potential to both revolutionize and disrupt the legal industry. Compared to other new technologies, AI can potentially disrupt legal services in ways we have never seen before. 

At a minimum, AI will transform how legal services are delivered, making legal services more accessible, efficient, and affordable for clients. But what if AI turned legal services completely upside down?   AI can potentially impact the law business - and other service providers - in ways that are far more dramatic than any other technology.   AI has the potential to change courts, law firms, and the core functions of lawyers in dramatic ways.  Whether AI is a fifty-foot wave of disruption or a tsunami remains to be seen. The question of how fast AI will sweep over the legal industry is unknown.  While the idea of AI's confiscation of courts, lawyers, and law firms seems extreme, the potential for disruption beyond our current imaginations is real.

(stay tuned for more insights on how lawyers can prepare for the changes that AI will bring). 


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